FBI investigating hack of its own network

The Federal Bureau of Investigation is investigating a hack of its own…

FBI seizes servers of Hive ransomware group

The Federal Bureau of Investigations, Department of Justice and Europol jointly announced…

FBI links $100 million crypto theft hack to the Lazarus Group

The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) has confirmed this week that the…

FBI recommends ad blockers to protect against malware, phishing attacks

The Federal Bureau of Investigation is warning that cyber criminals are increasingly…

FBI InfraGard critical infrastructure and cyber portal hacked

The Federal Bureau of Investigation InfraGard online platform, a vetted online sharing…

Cuba ransomware extorted $60M from victims

The ransomware group behind “Cuba” (aka COLDDRAW) has received more than $60…

Iranian hackers compromise US government network for crypto mining

According to new reports, Iranian state-sponsored hackers compromised the network of an…

CISA, FBI warn of Daixin ransomware attacks

The Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), Department of Health and Human…

Member of Lapsus$ hacking group arrested by Brazilian Police

The Federal Police of Brazil announced yesterday that they arrested an individual…

FBI: Cyberattacks on US election systems unlikely to affect results

The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency…